American Jewelry and Loan" is a reality television series that aired on truTV (formerly known as Court TV) in the United States. The show follows the day-to-day operations of American Jewelry and Loan, a pawn shop located in Detroit, Michigan, owned and operated by the Gold family.
As of my last update, "American Jewelry and Loan" was available for streaming on various platforms, including:
Amazon Prime Video: Some seasons of the show may be available for purchase or rental on Amazon Prime Video.
iTunes: You may be able to purchase individual episodes or entire seasons of the show on iTunes.
YouTube: Occasionally, episodes or clips of "American Jewelry and Loan" may be available for free or for purchase on YouTube.
DVD: Some seasons of the show may be available for purchase on DVD from online retailers such as Amazon or eBay.
Keep in mind that the availability of the show on these platforms may vary by region and over time. Additionally, new streaming platforms or services may acquire the rights to stream the show in the future. I recommend checking these platforms periodically to see if "American Jewelry and Loan" is available for streaming.